I Fell in Love with Italy…and Italian

Last summer, we finally took our Italy trip. Well, half of it. For the summer of 2020, we planned a long trip across the entire country of Italy. As you can imagine, that didn’t happen (2020 happened). But, a blessing in disguise, maybe… It turns out, trying to do the entire country of Italy in a 10-14 day trip is a bit aggressive. It’s a diverse country with so much to see and quite a lot of land to cover. So, when we started planning for Italy again, we decided to pick one-ish area and focus on that. We decided to stay north and focus on Tuscany, with a little stop in Venice.

I had a feeling that I’d like Italy. I mean, pizza and pasta - come on! And truly, I’ve never visited a place that I didn’t enjoy and appreciate. But I wasn’t expecting to fall head over heels in love with Italy, the culture, the people, and goodness gracious their fun language. Italian is so fun to listen to and try to speak. And everyone we encountered on our trip appreciated how much I tried to speak their language.

I’ll be honest, as a francophile who has been learning French for a few years, I didn’t want to love Italy as much as I did. I wanted it to be France, France, France. Everything French. My husband and I always talk about retiring to France. But now? I’m not so sure it has to be France.

What if it’s Tuscany? Or another part of Italy we have yet to discover and fall in love with.







And the beauty of it is, I can love France and French AND love Italy and Italian.

And that’s why, I’ve officially started learning Italian along with French - while brushing up on my Spanish (but that’s for another time). I’ll expand on this more, but currently, I’m using French to study Italian. It’s been a fun adventure!

There will be so much more on this - Italian, learning multiple languages at once, Italy, etc. But for now…



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